How are we defined by the technological systems that surround us? How much is our attention sold and bought for? Can the users control Facebook or does it control us? Does free will exist in a world increasingly defined by algorithms? What will a digital paddywagon look like? Does privacy exist in 2020? What kinds of people will the new generation children turn out to be? Do we have a spare planet? How do available technology change our art, our cities, our reality? How to talk, love, and create in a world that’s changed so much already, and is posed to continue changing in the future?

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Supernova is a media project about the future, the internet, and freedom. We’re looking for answers to these questions because they will define our future.

We know that the future is being created up for us. Mathematicians, advertisers, innovators, and futurologists. And there’s a likelihood that the future the come up with for us is going to be to our liking. But the future they’re creating is becoming locked in.

We’re making Supernova to create a map for the future, together with you. We don’t want to blindly follow a route laid out for us by predictive algorithms, operating for the benefit of just a handful of people.

We want to help figure out what kind of future we want to build, both together and for each one of us individually, and how do we get there?

Supernova is a research media project. This means that we use research tools to understand the world around us, pose hypotheses and find answers from real people. We’ll use a full spectrum of tools, including quantitative surveys and subjective reports.

Our readers will not only be able to watch along as the answers are found, but will also be able to pose new questions, suggest topics, and participate in the research.

We have many questions — about the Internet, data, attention, free will, human rights, technology, ecology, the state, ‘new ethics,’ and the changing society. Our questions, and the answers we find, will be a work-in-progress that becomes a full digital issue about the research project. We can return to them in the future to help us understand something important about our reality, or marvel at ideas that did not come to pass.

The first three topics of our research issues are the future, the Internet, and freedom.

Perhaps you are like us. Perhaps you, too, ponder the questions at the beginning of this text, and you want to find the answers. Maybe you even want to offer an answer yourself.